Thursday, April 26, 2007

The One That Got Away

We went to my grandparents' place yesterday. They live on a lake so the kids got in some fishing. Between them they caught about 10 small fish -- here's a picture of the first two they caught. I had the swell (isn't that a great old word; I'm a swell guy with a head to match...) job of pinching the worms into pieces and baiting the hooks -- and taking the fish off the hooks when they got caught.

The water was so clear we could see fish swimming around beneath the peer. A couple of really big black bass were cruising around and both kids hooked one of them -- but each time, it got free. One of them bit right through my daughter's line and took hook, line and sinker.

I'm sure it was a whopper, but for now, it's just the one that got away.

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