Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Seven Arguments for Intelligent Design:

1. The evidence for the Big Bang
2. Lack of transitional fossils that demonstrate macro evolution
3. Irreducibility of cells in all living things
4. The DNA code
5. The origin of life itself
6. The diversity of life
7. The human possession of self awareness

1. The evidence for the Big Bang. The evidence for the Big Bang is very compelling. The five evidences spell the word SURGE: S – The Second Law of Thermodynamics proves energy had to have a beginning because there is not an infinite supply. U – The universe is expanding. If so, it had to begin somewhere (and at some point in time). R – Radiation from the Big Bang itself can be observed. This was discovered in 1965. G – Great galaxy seeds. Think of ripples on a pond, radiating out from a stone’s splash. Scientists can measure this in our universe. E – Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. Einstein proved that time, space and matter are co-relative. In other words, you can’t have one without the others. From this, the mathematical equation shows a beginning point.
    If the Big Bang is in fact true, it proves God exists because the universe had to have a cause. God is that cause. God, on the other hand, is uncaused. (He is outside the time, matter and space of the universe.) That is difficult to grasp, but it means God is eternal. Our choices are either an uncaused universe (which is impossible), or an uncaused creator outside of it (which is difficult to understand, but not an impossibility.) God spoke the cosmos into existence and we call that the Big Bang. Most young-earth creationists reject the Big Bang because it points back to an ancient age of the universe, but the fact that it shows a beginning points to a cause regardless of its age.

2. Lack of transitional fossils that demonstrate macro evolution. There are fossils that demonstrate transitional features, but there is not one undisputed fossil in the record that proves macro-evolution. There should be thousands if Darwinian Evolution is true and Darwin himself said so. And not only should the fossil record show transitions, but so should every living thing today - plant and animal. Everything should be in transition into something else as evolution continues. We simply do not see that.

3. Irreducibility of cells in all living things. A mouse trap will not work if you take any of its parts away. Cells function the same way. Someone took a mouse trap and modified it to work without one of its parts to prove this wrong, but it only worked because of intelligent intervention, which is exactly what I believe in the first place. The point here is that lesser parts could not have joined together to form cells. Therefore, cells were designed.

4. The DNA code. Darwin knew nothing of the DNA code when he wrote his theory. We now know that every one of the trillion cells in our bodies has a DNA strand containing a code more complex than an encyclopedia. Never has a complex computer code ever written itself. Only intelligence can write complex code. If you were walking on the beach and saw the word "Help" spelled out with logs, would you say to yourself, "Oh look, the waves must have accidentally spelled out this word"? What if the logs spelled out the entire works of Shakespeare? To me, this is an open and shut case for an intelligent designer.

5. The origin of life itself. Darwinian Evolutionists basically believe lightning struck the mud and made life. Scientists tried to duplicate this empirically in a lab, but they had to manipulate the atmosphere to the point that life could have never begun to get any results. You don’t hear much about this anymore. Now, some actually say aliens must have brought life here, because they simply have no natural explanation for how life began.

6. The diversity of life. Life is so incredibly diverse and complex, the only logical explanation is a remarkable creator. The fine-tuning of the cosmos, the symbiotic relationship of all living things – it boggles the mind to think it is all a freak of nature, or even that natural selection caused it all.

7. The human possession of self awareness. Only humans can write songs, books, blogs, stories, and fairy tales. Some monkeys and elephants can express themselves in art, but it pales next to the ability to write a single paragraph. Only humans can express their questions about the meaning of life. Only humans can invent complex machinery and technology. Our self-awareness cannot be explained by natural selection or any other natural cause. Clearly, we were created and designed to seek our maker.

So, which designer? Because of the evidences for the resurrection of Jesus, the God of the Bible is the clear choice. We can have a faith that is supported by the evidence, not only of the scripture, but also the world around us.