Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Faith of a Child

I walked past the pool deck in our back yard about thirteen years ago. We had an above-ground pool and a high deck on one side so we could get in it. The deck was about four feet off the ground. My son, David, was about two years old at the time. Just a little guy.
As I walked past the deck, David, who was standing in the middle of it, suddenly ran to the edge at full speed and jumped off of the deck at me. I just happened to see him out of the corner of my eye. I quickly turned and caught him in my arms, spun him around, and set him on the ground. He ran off in one direction and I continued on my way.
When I read what Jesus said about having faith like a little child, that's what I think of. David had total and complete faith that I would catch him. If I hadn't caught him, he would have crashed to the ground, possibly hurting or killing himself. He didn't give it a second thought. He made the leap of faith and never looked back.
Please understand me: I had already earned his trust or he wouldn't have given it to me. God has also earned our trust with the Bible and his intervention in our lives. David's faith wasn't a blind faith, it was an earned faith, supported by the evidence of my behavior up until that moment in his life. Our faith in God is also supported by the evidence. But faith takes you one step - or leap - past what you know for certain. David couldn't empirically prove I would catch him, but his faith told him I would.
A child's faith is also a humble faith. Jesus said so himself. A child knows he needs you to catch him and it doesn't bother him at all. Jesus said if we do not become like a child, we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. In other words, we must realize we need him to save us. A child has no problem asking for help. Some adults feel they can earn their own entry into heaven, but Jesus said we cannot.
Do you have the faith of a child? Have you made the leap into his arms? If he drops you, you'll crash to the ground, but you trust him anyway. You have evidence, but your faith takes you one jump beyond it. If you place yourself completely at God's mercy, you are right where he wants you to be. Take the leap of faith. Adventure - and heaven - is waiting.

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