Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Happy Hanukkah!

The Jewish Festival of Lights, or Hanukkah, begins at sundown tonight. I was studying it today and noticed something interesting. The Menorah, or candelabra, has a central candle called the "Shamash", or servant candle, surrounded by eight lower candles. The outer candles are to be lit only by the Shamash. The Menorah was designed by God Himself. Now that scientists have corrected the number of planets around our sun, we have eight, the same number! Even Josephus, the first-century Jewish historian said the candles coincided with our solar system. Jewish scholars say the eight candles also stand for the eight days the candle burned in the temple on only one day's supply of oil.
Hanukkah is called the Feast of Dedication (John 10:22), since the temple was rededicated on Kislev 25th, 165 BC, after being desecrated by King Antiochus Epiphanes. Perhaps one reason why early (by early, I mean around 300 A.D.) Christians celebrated Jesus' birthday on December 25th was in reference to Hanukkah.
As you can see from the blog below, I believe Jesus was born on Tishri 15 and was conceived of the Holy Spirit during Hanukkah. The SON is the central candle, the Light of the World, and a servant to all.

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