Saturday, November 7, 2009

Beautiful Fall Weather

Wow, have I been enjoying the weather this past week! It's been just about perfect. Cool at night and warm during the day. I've been sitting on the patio today enjoying the blue sky and colorful leaves. Did a little mowing earlier, but even that was enjoyable. God is good.
Last Saturday, the day began with a parade (You can see Savannah watching through the band members in the photo) and ended with a hay ride. In between, we went downtown to a festival and ate extra-long corn dogs and had a great time. Blessings. In the pictures, you can also see the rocking chairs on the patio (that's my sweet tea glass in the bottom right corner) the beautiful tallow tree in the front yard and my laptop on the patio table, where I'm writing this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Love the shot through the chairs.