Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dancin' with Dad

This was our fourth Daddy-Daughter Dance Saturday. A friend took this picture. We had a really good time and I was proud of how many of my friends were there making these memories with their daughters. I laughed out loud at us trying to dance to the old disco songs from my high school days. I haven't gotten any better, that's for sure. I know how to spell YMCA with my arms, but that's about it.


captain howdy said...

That was a cute photo. It made me smile.

Hope you guys had a great time!

Lyn Lomasi said...

Aww, how sweet. I came here by way of referral, sort of.

Itsjusmeli from the Work At Home Mom Revolution blog did a post about your article comparing raising children to gardening - excellent job on that.

I'm a writer as well. Keep up the great work. :-)